Photo FinishPhotography

Photoshoot 101: How to Prepare for Your Upcoming Photoshoot

A camera sitting in orange leaves.

Preparing for a photoshoot sounds like one of the easiest parts in the whole photography process, but it’s not as simple as it appears. Choosing outfits, hairstyles, props, and backgrounds require prior thought and effort, and can’t be done the night before. Even if you’re fully ready for the shoot, the camera tends to make some people nervous and being around new people can sometimes be a bit uncomfortable. We want you to look back on your photoshoot with fond memories, so we’ve prepared a handy guide on how to prepare yourself for whatever type of photoshoot you’re looking to schedule! We’ve split our list up for different photoshoot types, but their tips are applicable to every type of shoot, so make sure to read them all! Once you’ve checked off every to-do on this guide, you’ll be ready to show up and rock your shoot!

Family Photos

Every family is different and unique, so get ready to have fun, bring your whole personality, and get out of your comfort zone!

Dress to Impress

A common theme we see in family photos is coordinating or theming outfits. For example, everyone could wear blue, or you could have the men in red and the women in white. It’s also a fun idea to dress for the weather! You’ll have a fun looking seasonal photo, not to mention you’ll be more comfortable if you wear jackets instead of short sleeves during the winter.
Don’t be afraid to bring a change of clothes as well! We encourage having different looks that show off your family members’ unique personalities! Plus, it’s always a good idea to have backup clothing in case something goes wrong.

Get the Kids Ready

Before you head to your destination, get your kids excited to get their photos taken. Think up some poses beforehand and let your kids come up with poses they’ve always wanted to try. It might also be smart to promise a reward for good behavior; something like going out for pizza afterward is always a hit.

Make Sure You’re Ready Physically

Photoshoots go on for a long time and you’re bound to get tired, so make sure you’re well rested before you head out. It’s also a good idea to eat prior to your shoot. Photos take energy, so bring some snacks!

Figure Out What Brings You Together

Does your family have an activity you love doing together? What about a pet that means the world to everyone? Figure out what brings your family together and bring it! Incorporating activities and props into family photoshoots leads to a much more interesting end result. It also helps to put people more at ease by calming any camera-related nerves they may be experiencing.
Pets always liven up a photoshoot, so don’t be afraid to bring your dog, cat, or horse! We just ask that you have a person who can take care of them when they’re not actively posing for a photo. We want to make sure that the photoshoot goes smoothly for your furry friends as well!

Senior Portraits

A senior portrait is a representation of what makes you who you are. We aim to capture a memory that you can look back on and remember just how special your senior year was!

Make Your Appointments

Your job at a photoshoot is showing up and looking your best, so make sure you’re ready for your pictures by setting up appointments in advance. You could get your hair cut, touch up your roots, or even have your nails done! Make sure you get to scheduling those appointments soon though. The holidays are coming, and your stylists are going to get booked quick!
You might also want to practice your full look before the shoot. Figure out exactly what you want so you’re ready when it’s time for the camera!

Outfits, Outfits, Outfits

Clothes are a way we express who we are, so it’s extremely important to plan out the looks you want to wear in your photos. We recommend planning your outfits at least a week in advance. It gives you time to choose what you want to wear, accessorize, and add any new features you’d like.
It’s also a good idea to figure out how you’ll change clothes on location. Some options are bringing a changing screen, blocking out your car’s windows with towels and sheets, or finding public bathrooms to change in.

Props Make the Scene

Everyone has something that makes them special, and we’d like to highlight that in your photo! Bringing your instrument, car, sports gear, sketchpad, or favorite book can give more life to the photo and open you up to more posing options! Don’t be afraid to bring more than one item, just make sure that you have someone to handle them while you’re off posing.

Preparation is Key

Getting on the same page as your photographer is always important for a successful shoot! Contact us prior to your shoot to coordinate locations and concepts you’d like to go with. We recommend making a Pinterest mood board with pose and theme ideas.

Professional Headshots

In business, it’s important to create a positive first impression, and headshots are key to doing so. Like any photo, professional headshots tell a small story of exactly who you are, but they also serve as tools to show off your personal ‘brand’.

Talk with Us

Your headshot will be the first thing your clients and business partners see, so it’s important that it turns out exactly how you want it. We heavily encourage you to share your thoughts and ideas with us so we can tailor the shoot to your expectations.

Dress the Part

Figure out what you’d like your headshot to convey and make sure your outfit coordinates with that idea. Do you need to dress in a traditional business look, or would business casual do just fine? Don’t be afraid to bring multiple outfits and change halfway through your shoot. Just remember that you want to be comfortable in whatever outfit you choose.
You can wear whatever you’d like, but we suggest not wearing bulky jewelry or busy clothing. These distracting outfits make for a confusing photo.

Less is More

It’s a smart idea to error on the simple side for your professional headshots. This photo will be used on your website, social media, and during any media opportunities, so it’s smart to make sure not to overdo your makeup or hairstyle. Try to aim for timeless and classic.

A Supply Kit is Your Best Friend

Photoshoots can get long, so it’s smart to bring along a supply kit to help refresh your look. Pack a brush, lip balm, makeup for touch ups, water, and a snack or two.

The better you are prepared for your photoshoot the better your photos will turn out! Whenever you’re ready to schedule a photoshoot don’t hesitate to contact b&b Photography! We’re here to make memories that last forever!

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